Let us help you pick your perfect homesite, customized floorplan and interior finishes. Explore different styles from our architects/builders.
Consult with us to design your perfect floor plan and elevations. Explore the different styles we offer and see your custom home before it’s built.
Keep track of your home progress via the Pinnacle app.
How It Works
Contact Pinnacle to view a home site
and reserve your spot on the interest list.
Financial Prequalification and open Escrow
Purchase a Pinnacle lot as a first step towards your dream home. Clients can reserve their lot by putting down 10% to reserve and open escrow, then increasing their deposit to 50% of the lot price as the lot is being built.
Design Your Home
You will be taken care of by one of our managing partners who will walk you through the exciting process of designing and building a home. Previsualise it with our state-of-the art software engineers and see your dream before it’s built.
Watch the progress of your home being built
• Keep track of your payments and milestones via our Pinnacle App.
• Your project manager would submit plans to the city/county to obtain all permits. This process takes from 6-9 months depending on County staff time, speed and completeness of your responses, and adherence to agreed timeline.
Final walk-through
Discuss any final details to finesse and complete the house and take delivery of your new home!
Custom vs Completed Homes
Custom Complete
Purchase a home during its construction phase, but prior to completion, with the option to customize selected amenities.
Completed Homes
Completed homes are finished, turn-key ready homes for sale that were expertly designed and built by MDD.